There are plenty of reasons for us NOT to continue to invest time into developing Our Final Freezer as YouTube Channel and website, not to mention developing content for an on-line sausage-making course. (Yes, we want to do that.)
Two kids. Two full-time jobs. A house.
Did I mention the kids? I think I should mention them at least 47 more times because, geesh, that's about how much time it feels like they consume.
The only reason that I'm able to work on this website and our channel at all is because one of the small (but oh-so-persuasive!) perks of being a teacher is time away from work in the summer.
But as the last year has shown, keeping up the pace of releasing a new video every week was--to put it lightly--beyond ambitious for us.
I think the only reason that I thought it was doable was because our baby wasn't moving yet.
But then, bless his little heart, he started to move.
And crawl. And walk. And run. And climb.
And scream. And flail. And convulse.
Children are a blessing.
So here we are. A new website, a new blog, new video content, and new goals.
How successful will we be?
I guess we'll find out.
Upcoming Agenda:
Episode 9: How to Make Smooth Black Coffee (Single Cup)
Generating content and lectures for an upcoming sausage-making course, hopefully ready for guinea pig students over Christmas 2018 break.